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// Over 15 Years ongoing Success
Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007. Since then, the country turned into a major hub for IT-related services in the EU. Bulgaria has a highly educated workforce for technical job descriptions, whether Engineering or Software Development. Despite high demand, a hiring firm will almost certainly find the right candidate for any technical or IT-job role, having a workforce of more than 316,000 highly skilled people. Through our expansive network, we can build up teams in no time. Hence, a Jurisdiction to recommend. Please see our Country Indicator down below.
// What you need to know
Bulgaria Country Facts
// What you need to know II
Bulgaria Workforce Facts
Large Technical Universities
Bulgaria maintains 53 Universities, most of them with technical Focus and with approx. 64,000 IT-students. This will almost grant a stable work environment with regard to highly skilled workforce for the Engineering and IT-sector.
K +
IT & Technical Students
Almost 62 % of school leavers intend to go to a University. A vast majority thereof joins technical fields such as Engineering or Programming. Hence, the local labour market enjoys a stable flow of new people with good education.
K +
Highly Skilled in IT & Engineering
One may find for each project the right team members – highly skilled, motivated and adaptable – through an extensive network. Contact us for team building and extensions, the relocation of existing teams (also from crisis regions) and recruitment.
% +
Cost Savings
The Bulgarian minimum wages are among the lowest in Europe (392 EUR/2020). However, this doesn’t necessarily apply to the IT-sector. But even with reasonable wages, huge savings are common.
// Considerations
Bulgaria Country Indicator
Moving a Team from another Provider
Move your team to us to benefit from outstanding services.
Short-term Projects
Suitable for a team for short-term projects.
Extension of an existing Team
Increase the Power and Output of your Team.
Building-up a new Team
Excellent Jurisdiction. Low wages and good skilled workforce.