// For Over 15 Years. A wealth of Developers.


For almost two decades, Ukraine is one of the Nearshoring Hot Spots in Central East Europe. As Belarus, Ukraine has a highly educated workforce for technical job descriptions, whether Engineering or Software Development. A hiring firm will almost certainly find the right candidate for any technical or IT-related Job role, considering a workforce of more than 280,000 highly skilled people. Despite ongoing disputes with Russia, it had been a Jurisdiction to recommend. Unfortunately and in the wake of the ongoing war, we had to shut down our operations indefinitely. Please see our Country Indicator down below. 

Location Swissminds map ukraine
// What you need to know

Ukraine Country Facts​


- 44.13 Mill. Inhabitants (2020)
- Languages Ukrainian, Russian
- ICT Development Index Rank 67 (2017)
- approx. 52 % of Population with higher Education (Bachelor & Master)
- IT workforce approx. 280 thousands


Key facts

Key facts

- EU-Association and EU-Access
- EU-Recruitment possible
- Short Travel Distances


For Customers

For Customers

- Project Hiring for smaller Budgets
- Short-Term Projects
- Developers on-demand


For Startups

For Startups
// What you need to know II

Ukraine Workforce Facts

Large Technical Universities

Ukraine maintains 17 technical Universities with approx. 36,000 students, most of them with focus on IT-related jobs. This will almost grant a stable work environment with regard to highly skilled workforce for the Engineering and IT-sector.

K +
IT & Technical Students

Almost 67 % of school leavers intend to go to a University. A vast majority thereof joins technical fields such as Engineering or Programming. This situation is a grantor for future development and a stable labour market of highly skilled people.

K +
Highly Skilled in IT & Engineering

Due to such a stable labour market, one may find for each project the right team members – highly skilled, motivated and adaptable. Contact us for team building, team extensions and/or relocations or all recruitment matters.

% +
Cost Savings

The Ukrainian minimum wages are among the lowest in Europe (845 USD/2020). However, this doesn’t apply to the IT-sector. But even with reasonable wages, huge savings are common.

// Considerations

Ukraine Country Indicator

Moving a Team from another Provider

War Zone. All Services discontinued.

Short-term Projects

War Zone. All Services discontinued.

Extension of an existing Team

War Zone. All Services discontinued.

Building-up a new Team

War Zone. All Services discontinued.

// Drop us a line! We are here to answer your questions 24/7