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// For Over 15 Years. Stable Workforce of IT-Experts
For more than 15 years, Belarus has been one of the Nearshoring Hot Spots in Central Europe. As Ukraine, Belarus has a highly educated workforce for technical job descriptions, whether Engineering or Software Development. A hiring firm will almost certainly find the right candidate for any technical or IT-Job role, considering 47,000 technical students and a workforce of highly skilled people amounting to 62,000. However, due to the recent political developments and in anticipation of further sanctions, we recommend this Jurisdiction only for existing teams (for now). Please see our recommendations down below.
// What you need to know
Belarus Country Facts
// What you need to know II
Belarus Workforce Facts
Large Technical Universities
Belarus maintains 6 large technical Universities and has more than 47,000 local students, and a few international students, mainly from neighbouring countries. Many of whom stay to take on exciting job roles for international firms.
K +
IT & Technical Students
K +
Highly Skilled in IT & Engineering
Therefore, Belarus has been one of the IT-hot spots for almost two decades now. One may find for each project the right team members – highly skilled, motivated and adaptable. Contact us for team extensions and recruitment or relocations.
% up to
Cost Savings
The Belarus minimum wages are among the lowest in Europe (580 USD/2020). However, this doesn’t necessarily apply to the IT-sector. But even with reasonable wages, huge savings are common.
// Considerations
Belarus Country Indicator
Moving a Team from another Provider
Move your team to us to benefit from outstanding services.
Short-term Projects
Suitable for a team for short-term projects.
Extension of an existing Team
Increase the Power and Output of your Team.
Building-up a new Team
Better speak to us to discuss and consider Alternatives.